
Showing posts with the label puzzles

Puzzle of the day !!

How should White respond to  39...Kh6? Puzzle Answer 40.Rh4+ Kg5 41.Bf6# 1-0  [Source: Hanken-Haring, Berkeley 1981]

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                      Evaluate  27.Nxf5 gxf5 Puzzle Answer 28.Qg3+ 1-0   Black resigned because of 28...Kh7 29.Rxf5! and mate is imminent. [Source: Carlsen-Radjabov, Tal Memorial Blitz 2012] .

Puzzle of the day !!

                                        How should White respond to  36...Rxf4 ?

How should Black respond to 21.Nxg6?

How should Black respond to  21.Nxg6 ?

White to play and win


What move by White caused Black’s immediate resignation?

                          [FEN "3rr3/pp2n2R/2pp1kp1/5pq1/2P2N2/1P1RPQ2/P2P1P2/5K2 w - - 0 25"] What move by White caused Black's immediate resignation?

White to move

White to move

Interesting Queen Endings for Intermediate level

   White to move This position was give to me by Chinmay Kelaskar and is for intermediate level...Can you find a way to win for White ? No cheating please ! Please comment your answers in the comment box on blog

Tactics tactics everywhere !!

I have posted a lot of positions here.So I decided to take some rest, stop posting and concentrate on my game...I tried to solve many position..did some routine work and came to facebook. My friend asked me to come on chesscube..I told him that I will be there within five minutes I logged my chesscube account after many days..My friend was not online there so I decided to play some games against some one else !. Here is the position I got in the game after a few moves. Lets have a look Black to play The time control was 5 minutes each..And White just wasted his move with 13.Kh1?? Just look at the black pieces my all pieces are well played and such waste moves are looking for some big trouble..I agree black's king has not castled yet so I decided to castle first Pinning the knight of d2..So my first question here is what would happen if white takes the bishop by 14.hxg4. Can you find without watching below analysis ? But my opponent didn't play this move.I gues

J.Polgar 1997 White to move

                                       White to play and win This position was composed by the ex-women world champion Judith Polgar in 1997 and it is recommended to advance level.I was solving some random positions at midnight and this position stuck me...My intuition gave me the first move but unable to calculate the whole variation.Can you calculate all the correct variations and comment below?

Can White will be able to save the game ?

White to play Here in this position White has a rook for three pawns and therefore has a material advantage but the problem is that Black pawns are close enough to Queen so how white going to stop the pawns? Can he will be able to stop it and manage to save the game? Please give your answers below

Chess Mentor from

Hello readers ,  Here is the link to the FREE courses of, made by renowned coaches mostly by IM Danny Rensch and IM Bryan Smith. The system is via what they call “Chess mentor” which is a tool comparable to reading an annotated PGN in any reader (i.e. CB) but in here you need to solve question by question by moving, so you train, and the server keeps track of all the lessons done, the percentage of correctness, the progress and so on, assigning you a rating for this matter. One needs to register and setup an account with them first, which is also FREE, in , so the course with all the exercises is activated. I would recommend this for anybody from beginner to below 2000, but if u are that or above, maybe you can learn something too, who knows, otherwise you just skip all you know and forward to the next theme as I did. The topics are as follow, sorted by level Beginner: Checkmate Beginner: Tactics Beginner: Openings Beginner: Endgames In

Another Position from Chinmay Kelaskar of Mumbai

White to play  Another Endgame Study for Advance players...White has a queen but Black's pawn are close enough to promote...Its White to play...Can you find the correct solution ???

Some Endgame positions from my facebook friend

I was just surfing the net today...Suddenly  I herd a message tone on facebook...I opened it and I got few positions from my friend Chinmay Kelaskar of Mumbai who posted me some positions.We had a chat as he requested me to post it on blog..I too found these position interesting..So here they are White is in check so has to move his king..But the real question is where ?..If the king moves to g7 black will play Re7 and will make a draw...If the king goes on the f- file Black will move his rook to e2 and skewers.And the king can't also leave the pawn...So calculate carefully as Black also has some tricks at his disposal Second position is White to play both players are just one square away from promoting.. If white promotes his pawn...Black will also promote his pawn.As white cannot capture the Queen as it is a stalemate..So think carefully and calculate few moves ahead... And the last one is the Gem of all..Now this one is tough one...Position only for advance playe

Pawn Endgame Training

The position is from a tournament game...White offered a draw claming that its a draw.Now its Black's move  He thought that after 1...c4 + 2Ka3 Kc5 3.Ka4 Kxd5 white will play Kb4 and he might be in  zugzwang   and will loose the c4 pawn.  Both players were not willing to take risk and  agreed a draw here...Can you assets the position correctly ??

Having a bad day

(Position after Black's Rh6) Its my game against Kahane Bhavesh..I was having white pieces and was exited with the fact that Black's king was still in the center,so my basic enctint was to attack some how on the king.I made some premature moves in order to attack his king before..After thinking I released that Black has a threat of Rg6 hitting my g2 pawn..And it would be helped by the monster of b7                      I played the terrible move Na5??? putting the knight on rim without thinking as I wanted to swap the bishop first. Now its Black to play Black has a long think of 20 minutes and played the move which I didn't calculated..Can you guess what I missed in the game..and calculate all the variations?? My opponent played that move but didn't continue correctly..Can you do better than my opponent ?? 

White to move move better than Nc7?

Its my game against a metebiyik...The game is still in the opening phase. White has a a lead in development,strong threat of Nc7+...In the game I played Nc7+ which looks perfectly natural. But is there any better move than Nc7+. Calculate all the move and comment below

White to play

This is from my online game Black has just played Qxg5...Please analyse all the variation and submit your calcuations or check the full game below

Will Bxh6 sac work or not??

This position is Guico Piano. As you can see White has played Qd2 in order to sac his bishop on h6..Black ignored or might have not seen it.. So my question is Is Bh6 sac working for white?? please comment with full analysis and tell me till what have you calculated

Black to play.Will he win the pawn?

This position is from my game against Vijay Pangudwale.I am having the Black pieces. The game was a blitz format so there was not much time to think...So you could understand the tension between us..Both players were having time pressure..So the quality of the game was not so high.. Its Black move... My question is Is ...f6 winning the pawn on f4 or not ? Please comment your answers with your full analysis