
Showing posts with the label middlegame

Home work of the day!!

                                                                         Black to play White has just played a5-a6 advancing the passed pawn further.The position seems bad for Black as he is a piece down and is attacking only with the Queen and the Rook. Can you find a simple trick for Black which is easy to miss especially in time pressure?

Home work of the day!!

Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes White to play   White to play   White to play   Black to play White to play

Homework of the day!!

Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes White to play   White to play   White to play   White to play                                          White to play

Homework of the day!!

Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes  Black to play   White to play   Black to play     White to play     Black to play

Homework of the day !!

Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides White to play Black to play Black to play White to play White to play

Puzzle of the day !!

                                          White to play Its White to move.Can you find the best continuation for white even after Black's cheeky reply?Calculate all moves and then comment your answer below..No single move answers please

Middlegames with Koravi Chandrashekhar - Part 1


Puzzle of the day !!

How should White respond to  20...Qc7 ?

Puzzle of the day!!

                                                              White to play Here Black has just developed his bishop to c5 and its now attacking the centrailized knight of d4.What would you play here..Please post full variations

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                                                                                        White to play The position is for intermediate level players...In this positon Black just played Nf8 to stop the mate.So the question for you is Does it work? If not how will white win ?

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                      Evaluate  27.Nxf5 gxf5 Puzzle Answer 28.Qg3+ 1-0   Black resigned because of 28...Kh7 29.Rxf5! and mate is imminent. [Source: Carlsen-Radjabov, Tal Memorial Blitz 2012] .

The Art of Calculation in Chess

                                                                Black to play Here in this position its Black's move.So lets try to understand what's going on in the following position : White has just played 21 Rxd5  Black's Queen is under attack.If Black does not moves his Queen White will happily capture the Queen winning the Queen for nothing. White's rook on c1 is the only unsupported piece on the board which might be vulnerable to some tactics.Always Remember L.P.D.F which stands for Loose Piece Drops Off !! White has pawns on h2,g2,f2 which might make his back rank vulnerable. Black does not have the bishop on g7, which might make his king weak too.White also has a hidden threat of playing the rook on d6 (with idea of Qf6) or d7 (with idea of Rf7) when Black moves his Queen White now has a threat of captu...

Tactics for advance players

                                                           White to play  The first position I want to show is from Chinmay Kelaskar vs Jai Pradhan game....White has all sorts of attack on the king. Most white's pieces are actively taking part in the attack...Black king does not have a proper defender except the bishop on g7.In the game black made the previous move h6 which was a mistake.... White played Nxh6 and won !! but there is a better continuation....Can you find it out ? Second game is also from the same player Chinmay..and he is black this time...Can you find out what he played in the game ?

Attack on the king

                                                                Black to play The position occured from King's Indian Defence where White just won a rook in the corner, but carelessly let the black pawns advance on the kingside, and so he is about to feel the pain! How can Black punish white ? How will Black start the attack ?

Should White Resign ?

                                                            White to Play In this position white seems to be lost as he cannot play Qd5+ as after Kh8 white will loose a piece and on Nxd5 Black will take the pawn on f2 followed by Qg3 which will be winning for him...So the question remains. Is White lost ? Should he resign ? [position for advanced beginners]

Chess Mentor from

Hello readers ,  Here is the link to the FREE courses of, made by renowned coaches mostly by IM Danny Rensch and IM Bryan Smith. The system is via what they call “Chess mentor” which is a tool comparable to reading an annotated PGN in any reader (i.e. CB) but in here you need to solve question by question by moving, so you train, and the server keeps track of all the lessons done, the percentage of correctness, the progress and so on, assigning you a rating for this matter. One needs to register and setup an account with them first, which is also FREE, in , so the course with all the exercises is activated. I would recommend this for anybody from beginner to below 2000, but if u are that or above, maybe you can learn something too, who knows, otherwise you just skip all you know and forward to the next theme as I did. The topics are as follow, sorted by level Beginner: Checkmate Beginner: Tactics Beginn...

What plan Will You make for Black

'  Have look at this position.White has an advantage of bishop pair..But the position is close...So the natural plan for White will be willing to play  f4...and try to open the postion..Black on the other hand have to be active..He have to counter attack on the queen side with some moves like b5..But the direct b5 move will be wrong here as white will respond with f4 and it is hard to see what black will  do? So find the correct plan for Black

Black to play

Its my game versus Atharva ,P. I am having Black pieces this time....White has just played Qh5 intending to attack on king side which might be premature....How can black take advantage of this postion ?? Please post all your calculations

Simple Mixed tactics

I am giving these few examples without quoting source and answers.Let's see if you could solve this positions...These positions are not so tough and are at the level below 1800 rating.Please quote answers in comment.