
Showing posts from July, 2015

Perfect study plan

Koravi Chandrashekhar : What should be the perfect study plan in order to become a title player.How much time your should give daily for chess?. GM Igor Smirnov : My initial intension would be to write "If you want to be a professional chess player, you should be ready to allocate as much time as you would spend for any other profession". However, I don't want to scare you too much  smile emoticon  There are ways to speed up your progress. Check my free mini-course “Chess Training Plan for Rapid Improvement”:…/

Puzzle of the day!!

                                                                  Black to play In this position White last move was Ne4 trying to exchange the defender of f6.What will you reply to white's last move? Can you take advantage of White's last inaccuracy?

Puzzle of the day !!

                                          White to play Its White to move.Can you find the best continuation for white even after Black's cheeky reply?Calculate all moves and then comment your answer below..No single move answers please

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                           How should Black continue after 54. Qe4 f5 55. Rf7 ??