
Showing posts with the label Advanced Beginners

Homework of the day

White to Play White to Play Black to play White to play White to play

Homework of the day

Black to play The following position is from Victor Korchnoi-Anatoly Karpov,1981 World Championship matches and its Black to move.White had recently played 42.Qf1 which saves mate of g2 and threatens some cunning tactics.Black who squeezed a winning position from a quiet positons (for which Karpov is world famous for!) is now winning and should be careful not to ruin his winning position.Can you find the winning plan/moves for Karpov?

Knight fork !!

                                                                White to play Here its white move...and there are few knight fork tricks hidden in this positions..Can you find all correct moves ?

Many tactics in one

White to play Its white to move..He has a rook and two minor pieces for Queen and four pawns..But the problem is that these four pawns of Black gives less mobility to the Queen..Can you find a way to use this weakness in form of various tactics ??

Black to play

                                                                                                                  Black to play   This position is better for Black. All his pieces are in a position for a attack . White's pieces are not defending the position properly .There is no one except the bishop to defend the white's majesty.Most major pieces are on the other side of the board. How will you teach White a lesson???

Attacking the king for beginners

                                                                                                                                 White to play Its White's move. All White's pieces are placed on their optimum squares for an attack on Black's king, Black has just played the dubious move g5?! Can you punish Black for his mistake..Please post your calulations with variations

Should White Resign ?

                                                            White to Play In this position white seems to be lost as he cannot play Qd5+ as after Kh8 white will loose a piece and on Nxd5 Black will take the pawn on f2 followed by Qg3 which will be winning for him...So the question remains. Is White lost ? Should he resign ? [position for advanced beginners]

Destroy The Pin Attack

Destroy the pin attack of white, Black to play..