
Showing posts with the label calcuations

Homework of the day

Black to play Black to play Black to play White to play White to play

Homework of the day

Black to play White to play White to play Black to play Black to play

Homework of the day

Black to play Black to play White to play White to play White to play

Homework of the day

White to play Black to play White to play White to play Black to play

Homework of the day

White to play White to play Black to play White to play Black to play

Homework of the day

Black to play The following position is from Victor Korchnoi-Anatoly Karpov,1981 World Championship matches and its Black to move.White had recently played 42.Qf1 which saves mate of g2 and threatens some cunning tactics.Black who squeezed a winning position from a quiet positons (for which Karpov is world famous for!) is now winning and should be careful not to ruin his winning position.Can you find the winning plan/moves for Karpov?

Homework of the day !!

White to play Can you find the only way for White to win the game?

The big calculation secret

Isn’t that the big problem you have with calculation – trying to calculate everything in case you missed something? Imagine you could accurately calculate as many variations as you want… Ok, stop imagining that because it is just not humanly possible to calculate thousands of variations, nevermind millions. You need an effective way to  cut down on the amount moves  you have to calculate. There are only  3 kind of moves  which you should always calculate carefully: Checks Captures Threats (a move that carries a threat – attacking your piece or threatening a tactic) Checks, captures and threats are the 3 kind of moves which is essential to  calculate in every position ! And that goes not only for your moves, but also the responses of your opponent. So what to do when there are no checks, captures or threats in the position? Or what if you calculated all the checks, captures and threats and find nothing specia...

White to play and win


How did Tal play this position as white?

How did Tal play this position as white? Puzzle Answer 24.Nf6 gxf6 25.Qh4 Bg7 26.Bh6 Bxd1 27.Bxg7+ Kg8 28.Bh8 Kxf7 29.Qxf6+ Kg8 30.Qg7# 1-0 [Source: Tal-Rantanen, Tallinn 1979]

Can White save the game?

White to play It's white's move and has a knight for four pawn but black's pawn is just a square away from promotion.Can White save the game?

The Art of Calculation in Chess

                                                                Black to play Here in this position its Black's move.So lets try to understand what's going on in the following position : White has just played 21 Rxd5  Black's Queen is under attack.If Black does not moves his Queen White will happily capture the Queen winning the Queen for nothing. White's rook on c1 is the only unsupported piece on the board which might be vulnerable to some tactics.Always Remember L.P.D.F which stands for Loose Piece Drops Off !! White has pawns on h2,g2,f2 which might make his back rank vulnerable. Black does not have the bishop on g7, which might make his king weak too.White also has a hidden threat of playing the rook on d6 (with idea of Qf6) or d7 (with idea of Rf7) when Black moves his Queen White now has a threat of captu...

Should White Resign ?

                                                            White to Play In this position white seems to be lost as he cannot play Qd5+ as after Kh8 white will loose a piece and on Nxd5 Black will take the pawn on f2 followed by Qg3 which will be winning for him...So the question remains. Is White lost ? Should he resign ? [position for advanced beginners]

Where should the queen go and why?

The position I want to show is from the recent games of U-9 states held at Aurangabad White to play Here in this position Black has just played his knight to e4 attacking the White's queen..Now the queen is under attack and have to move on a safe square..But the question here is which square..Calculate all the possibilities and comment below

Pawn Endgame Training

The position is from a tournament game...White offered a draw claming that its a draw.Now its Black's move  He thought that after 1...c4 + 2Ka3 Kc5 3.Ka4 Kxd5 white will play Kb4 and he might be in  zugzwang   and will loose the c4 pawn.  Both players were not willing to take risk and  agreed a draw here...Can you assets the position correctly ??

Black to play

Its my game versus Atharva ,P. I am having Black pieces this time....White has just played Qh5 intending to attack on king side which might be premature....How can black take advantage of this postion ?? Please post all your calculations

Having a bad day

(Position after Black's Rh6) Its my game against Kahane Bhavesh..I was having white pieces and was exited with the fact that Black's king was still in the center,so my basic enctint was to attack some how on the king.I made some premature moves in order to attack his king before..After thinking I released that Black has a threat of Rg6 hitting my g2 pawn..And it would be helped by the monster of b7                      I played the terrible move Na5??? putting the knight on rim without thinking as I wanted to swap the bishop first. Now its Black to play Black has a long think of 20 minutes and played the move which I didn't calculated..Can you guess what I missed in the game..and calculate all the variations?? My opponent played that move but didn't continue correctly..Can you do better than my opponent ??