
Showing posts with the label puzzles

Homework of the day

White to play White to play Black to play White to play Black to play

Puzzle of the day!!

                                                                  Black to play In this position White last move was Ne4 trying to exchange the defender of f6.What will you reply to white's last move? Can you take advantage of White's last inaccuracy?

Puzzle of the day !!

                                          White to play Its White to move.Can you find the best continuation for white even after Black's cheeky reply?Calculate all moves and then comment your answer below..No single move answers please

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                           How should Black continue after 54. Qe4 f5 55. Rf7 ??

Puzzle of the day !!

                                       White to play In this seeming interesting position.Black last move g6  was a terrible blunder.Can you suggest a winning plan for White?

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                            White to move The following position is taken from Maharashtra State Under 17 Girls FIDE Rating tournament which was held last month ..Here in this position Black played Bxh3 capturing the h3 pawn..And this move looks dangerous but indeed was a dubious move..Can you find a way to save White's position? Calculate the lines completely and comment below

Puzzle of the day !!

White to play and win

Puzzle of the day

Van Wely,Loek (2681) - Acs,Peter (2591) Essent Crown Hoogeveen (6), 19.10.2002 Nimzo-Indian Defense 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 0-0 5.Bd3 d5 6.cxd5 exd5 7.Nge2 Re8 8.0-0 Bd6 9.a3 Ng4 10.h3 Nh2 11.Re1 Nf3+ 12.gxf3 Qg5+ 13.Kh1 Qh4 14.Nf4 H ow should Black follow-up on  14...Bxh3 15.Ncxd5 ?

Puzzle of the day!!

                                           White to play The following position is White to play and its mate in three.No engines please.The red mark denotes here that Black has currently has only move b5 at his disposal.Can you find mate in three here?

Puzzle of the day !!

How should White respond to  20...Qc7 ?

Puzzle of the day!!

                                                              White to play Here Black has just developed his bishop to c5 and its now attacking the centrailized knight of d4.What would you play here..Please post full variations

Puzzle of the day!!

How should White follow up on  29.Bc2 Kg8 ?

Puzzle of the day!!

                                                                            White to play White has a huge material disadvantage here..but the good thing for White is that his king and minor pieces are very active and all Black pieces are on a bad squares, the king and the queen have very few squares to go.Can white capitalize on it? If yes how ?

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                                                                                        White to play The position is for intermediate level players...In this positon Black just played Nf8 to stop the mate.So the question for you is Does it work? If not how will white win ?

Endgame with Koravi Chandrashekhar - Part 2

                                                                                                            White to play This is a study by one of the famous composer Grigoriev and its White's move..Can you find out the winning  continuation ?                                                           

Puzzle of the day !!

What did Black have planned upon  21...Bxd4! 22.Rf3? Puzzle Answer 22...Qxf3! 23.gxf3 Bxc3! 24.Rxd8 Rxd8 25.f4  [25.Qxc3 Rd1+ 26.Kg2 Nf4+ 27.Kg3 Ne2+]  25...Rd4! 0-1  [26.Qxc3 Rd1+ 27.Kg2 Nf4+ 28.Kf3 Rd3+.]

Puzzle of the day !!

How should White continue after  35.Bxf5 gxf5? Puzzle Answer 36.Qd6! Qe8 37.Nxd8 Qxa4 38.Qd3 1-0  If 36...Qxd6, Black must lose the bishop upon 37.exd6 Bb6 38.d7, etc. There is no perpetual check after 36...Qc7 37.Nxd8 Qc2+ 38.Ke1 Qc1+ 39.Qd1

Puzzle of the day !!

White has just played Rf1 to c1 its Blacks move...What will you play with Black?

Puzzle of the day !!

In which creative way did White respond to 35...Rc5 Puzzle Answer 36.Rxf8+! Qxf8 37.Qxc5! Bxc5 38.Bb7 1-0

Puzzle of the day !!

How should Black respond to  38.e5? Puzzle Answer 38...Bxc4 39.Bxc4 Qc7 40.Bb3 Bxe5 41.Qg4 h5 42.Qe4 Bxg3 0-1