
Showing posts with the label thinking

White to move move better than Nc7?

Its my game against a metebiyik...The game is still in the opening phase. White has a a lead in development,strong threat of Nc7+...In the game I played Nc7+ which looks perfectly natural. But is there any better move than Nc7+. Calculate all the move and comment below

Black to play.Will he win the pawn?

This position is from my game against Vijay Pangudwale.I am having the Black pieces. The game was a blitz format so there was not much time to think...So you could understand the tension between us..Both players were having time pressure..So the quality of the game was not so high.. Its Black move... My question is Is ...f6 winning the pawn on f4 or not ? Please comment your answers with your full analysis 

How to think in Chess

Read the article:   How to Think in Chess After reading the article, finish the  study guide .