
Showing posts with the label attack

Homework of the day

White to play White to play White to play Black to play White to play

Homework of the day

White to play White to play Black to play White to play Black to play

Homework of the day

White to Play White to Play Black to play White to play White to play

Tactics for advance players

                                                           White to play  The first position I want to show is from Chinmay Kelaskar vs Jai Pradhan game....White has all sorts of attack on the king. Most white's pieces are actively taking part in the attack...Black king does not have a proper defender except the bishop on g7.In the game black made the previous move h6 which was a mistake.... White played Nxh6 and won !! but there is a better continuation....Can you find it out ? Second game is also from the same player Chinmay..and he is black this time...Can you find out what he played in the game ?

Attack on the king

                                                                Black to play The position occured from King's Indian Defence where White just won a rook in the corner, but carelessly let the black pawns advance on the kingside, and so he is about to feel the pain! How can Black punish white ? How will Black start the attack ?

Position from the book Positional Attacks

The position is by Life Master Joel Johnson, who just released his new  book " Positional Attacks " In the position below it is  White to move .  Joel writes:    The following game is an excerpt from my new book, "Positional Attacks". The book was released on February 28, 2014.    Fatal Weakness    Just one weak square in your opponent's defensive stronghold can give rise to a terminal attack. The ability to manufacture and/or identify existing weaknesses in your opponent's position is a lethal skill to possess.    The moves are easy to see if your eyes can easily spot the weakness in the Black position.    Here is the complete game [Event "Casual Game"] [Site "London"] [Date "1892.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Wordsworth Donisthorpe"] [Black "Mundell"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C46"] [PlyCount "29"] [EventDate "1892.??.??"...

Black to play

Its my game versus Atharva ,P. I am having Black pieces this time....White has just played Qh5 intending to attack on king side which might be premature....How can black take advantage of this postion ?? Please post all your calculations

White to move move better than Nc7?

Its my game against a metebiyik...The game is still in the opening phase. White has a a lead in development,strong threat of Nc7+...In the game I played Nc7+ which looks perfectly natural. But is there any better move than Nc7+. Calculate all the move and comment below

Today's Model Game

Today's Model Game

Premature Attacks