Tactics for advance players
White to play
The first position I want to show is from Chinmay Kelaskar vs Jai Pradhan game....White has all sorts of attack on the king. Most white's pieces are actively taking part in the attack...Black king does not have a proper defender except the bishop on g7.In the game black made the previous move h6 which was a mistake.... White played Nxh6 and won !! but there is a better continuation....Can you find it out ?
The first position I want to show is from Chinmay Kelaskar vs Jai Pradhan game....White has all sorts of attack on the king. Most white's pieces are actively taking part in the attack...Black king does not have a proper defender except the bishop on g7.In the game black made the previous move h6 which was a mistake.... White played Nxh6 and won !! but there is a better continuation....Can you find it out ?
Second game is also from the same player Chinmay..and he is black this time...Can you find out what he played in the game ?
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