
Showing posts with the label opening

5 Things for Playing Better Blitz

1.Improve your tactics sensor and quick calculation Try to spend a couple of hours a day solving tactics, as many as possible. Do it with a time limit and do not seek for too difficult problems. Instead, focus on hundreds of problems with medium difficulty. The goal is to think more tactical, to calculate quickly mini operations (3-4 moves tops) and commit fewer mistakes. Cheapos and tricks are important in blitz, improve your awareness. 2.Make practical decisions Instead of seeking for the best move settle for a quick decision of fewer committal moves. While in a classic game you can calculate and have a deep evaluation of the position, in blitz you need to make this decision in seconds. Be practical, avoid being captivated by the beauty of the game. Play! 3.Practice Play training games; do it with all the intention of keeping control of what you are doing. Do not just “play fast”, try to play the best you can as fast as you can. Make strong moves in a relatively s...

Tactics tactics everywhere !!

I have posted a lot of positions here.So I decided to take some rest, stop posting and concentrate on my game...I tried to solve many position..did some routine work and came to facebook. My friend asked me to come on chesscube..I told him that I will be there within five minutes I logged my chesscube account after many days..My friend was not online there so I decided to play some games against some one else !. Here is the position I got in the game after a few moves. Lets have a look Black to play The time control was 5 minutes each..And White just wasted his move with 13.Kh1?? Just look at the black pieces my all pieces are well played and such waste moves are looking for some big trouble..I agree black's king has not castled yet so I decided to castle first Pinning the knight of d2..So my first question here is what would happen if white takes the bishop by 14.hxg4. Can you find without watching below analysis ? But my opponent didn't play this move.I gues...

Where should the queen go and why?

The position I want to show is from the recent games of U-9 states held at Aurangabad White to play Here in this position Black has just played his knight to e4 attacking the White's queen..Now the queen is under attack and have to move on a safe square..But the question here is which square..Calculate all the possibilities and comment below

Magnus intermediate training video

Here is the latest video of Magnus Carlsen teaching the basics of opening in his intermediate training video.Click on the video to watch

White to move move better than Nc7?

Its my game against a metebiyik...The game is still in the opening phase. White has a a lead in development,strong threat of Nc7+...In the game I played Nc7+ which looks perfectly natural. But is there any better move than Nc7+. Calculate all the move and comment below

Will Bxh6 sac work or not??

This position is Guico Piano. As you can see White has played Qd2 in order to sac his bishop on h6..Black ignored or might have not seen it.. So my question is Is Bh6 sac working for white?? please comment with full analysis and tell me till what have you calculated

10 steps to a Better Chess Opening Repertoire

Write it down , and then  print it out . Begin by recording what you know already, and build on that. Don’t be afraid that some parts of it are incomplete - realize that building an opening repertoire is a  long term goal As  Mark Dvoretsky  explained in Opening Preparation – openings you play should: Fit your  style  (open vs. closed positions) Fit your  memory’s abilities . Relatively speaking, some openings require understanding of plans (e.g. Closed Sicilian), while others, such as King’s Indian defence require remembering a lot of theory as well Don’t easily give up  on lines that did not work out in a game, instead try to understand what particular mistake caused a defeat. That being said, if you keep having bad results in an opening – it’s worth reviewing whether it matches your style (see above). It’s may sound obvious, but  review it  against books like  MCO  or  NCO , computer databases, etc. Pa...

Must-know: Openings

The opening defines the course of the game. There are lots of opening lines, so the first problem each player faces is “which ones should I choose”? Opening choice 1. Let’s consider two options: a) for beginners b) for more advanced players For those who are new to chess: you will need an opening book or, more modern and convenient, a chess database. I am using both Chess Assistant and ChessBase (they are the best ones available). also has its own online database which could prove to be quite helpful. You had better start with one of the main moves, either 1.e4 or 1.d4. Check out the opening tree, review some top players’ games and see what type of positions you like. If you are a complete newcomer, it could prove to be tricky since you won’t be able to tell the difference between them. In this case you might have to resort to your friends’ or coach’s help. For stronger players: some people are quite proficient in chess, but somehow they never paid attention to their opening...