
Showing posts with the label intermediate level

White to play (Intermediate Level)

White to play White has a rook,knight and a pawn for a queen is this enough for a win in this position??

Interesting Queen Endings for Intermediate level

   White to move This position was give to me by Chinmay Kelaskar and is for intermediate level...Can you find a way to win for White ? No cheating please ! Please comment your answers in the comment box on blog

Can White will be able to save the game ?

White to play Here in this position White has a rook for three pawns and therefore has a material advantage but the problem is that Black pawns are close enough to Queen so how white going to stop the pawns? Can he will be able to stop it and manage to save the game? Please give your answers below

Position from the book Positional Attacks

The position is by Life Master Joel Johnson, who just released his new  book " Positional Attacks " In the position below it is  White to move .  Joel writes:    The following game is an excerpt from my new book, "Positional Attacks". The book was released on February 28, 2014.    Fatal Weakness    Just one weak square in your opponent's defensive stronghold can give rise to a terminal attack. The ability to manufacture and/or identify existing weaknesses in your opponent's position is a lethal skill to possess.    The moves are easy to see if your eyes can easily spot the weakness in the Black position.    Here is the complete game [Event "Casual Game"] [Site "London"] [Date "1892.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Wordsworth Donisthorpe"] [Black "Mundell"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C46"] [PlyCount "29"] [EventDate "1892.??.??"...

Chess Mentor from

Hello readers ,  Here is the link to the FREE courses of, made by renowned coaches mostly by IM Danny Rensch and IM Bryan Smith. The system is via what they call “Chess mentor” which is a tool comparable to reading an annotated PGN in any reader (i.e. CB) but in here you need to solve question by question by moving, so you train, and the server keeps track of all the lessons done, the percentage of correctness, the progress and so on, assigning you a rating for this matter. One needs to register and setup an account with them first, which is also FREE, in , so the course with all the exercises is activated. I would recommend this for anybody from beginner to below 2000, but if u are that or above, maybe you can learn something too, who knows, otherwise you just skip all you know and forward to the next theme as I did. The topics are as follow, sorted by level Beginner: Checkmate Beginner: Tactics Beginn...

Funny Endgame Study by Blake

White to play The position I am showing is from Blake's  Chess Endgame for beginners...White is two pawn up and should be of course winning here, but things are not so easy as Black has a stalemate threat..So here moves like f3 or f4 are forced.Black has no other option than to recapture with the pawn..But do you think that white can win this game ?? Calculate all the variations..And comment your answer till white wins..