
Showing posts with the label plans

Tournament preparation

Are you not ready for tournaments and always lose badly? Here, this tips from  can help. Tournament Preparation for Amateurs Recently on several chess discussion forums, players have asked how to prepare for tournaments. As a result of this, I have provided some common sense tips for players which I think most amateurs can apply to their own preparation. First, I want to mention that preparing for tournaments is a little different than playing a casual game with a friend or blitz games on the internet. There are more players involved and the stakes are usually higher. Therefore, players may get a little more nervous than usual when playing. Therefore, some of my recommendations revolve around this aspect. In any case, here are my recommendations. Before the Tournament 1.  Tactics : I believe that this is perhaps the best thing that a beginning or intermediate player can practice before a tournament (or...

What plan Will You make for Black

'  Have look at this position.White has an advantage of bishop pair..But the position is close...So the natural plan for White will be willing to play  f4...and try to open the postion..Black on the other hand have to be active..He have to counter attack on the queen side with some moves like b5..But the direct b5 move will be wrong here as white will respond with f4 and it is hard to see what black will  do? So find the correct plan for Black