
Showing posts with the label sacrifice

How did Tal play this position as white?

How did Tal play this position as white? Puzzle Answer 24.Nf6 gxf6 25.Qh4 Bg7 26.Bh6 Bxd1 27.Bxg7+ Kg8 28.Bh8 Kxf7 29.Qxf6+ Kg8 30.Qg7# 1-0 [Source: Tal-Rantanen, Tallinn 1979]

Many tactics in one

White to play Its white to move..He has a rook and two minor pieces for Queen and four pawns..But the problem is that these four pawns of Black gives less mobility to the Queen..Can you find a way to use this weakness in form of various tactics ??

White to Play

  White to play        

Black to play

                                                                                                                  Black to play   This position is better for Black. All his pieces are in a position for a attack . White's pieces are not defending the position properly .There is no one except the bishop to defend the white's majesty.Most major pieces are on the other side of the board. How will you teach White a lesson???

Game of the Week !!

The game I want to present was played at Moscow Open Tournament in 2008 . Both players are not the best players of the world but still I found the game  quite instructive.Please study the game carefully and try to calculate at crucial moments.                                                                         Black to play White has just played Ne3.Its Black's move.Calculate carefully and check your calculation with analysis below. But Sadly Black played differently.  Black to play  What's wrong with this move?  How will you take advantage of the white's last inaccurate move ? Black is a piece up..And now should not give counterplay to White.Its just a matter of technique..Watch the technique of Black.           ...

Tactics for advance players

                                                           White to play  The first position I want to show is from Chinmay Kelaskar vs Jai Pradhan game....White has all sorts of attack on the king. Most white's pieces are actively taking part in the attack...Black king does not have a proper defender except the bishop on g7.In the game black made the previous move h6 which was a mistake.... White played Nxh6 and won !! but there is a better continuation....Can you find it out ? Second game is also from the same player Chinmay..and he is black this time...Can you find out what he played in the game ?

Tactics tactics everywhere !!

I have posted a lot of positions here.So I decided to take some rest, stop posting and concentrate on my game...I tried to solve many position..did some routine work and came to facebook. My friend asked me to come on chesscube..I told him that I will be there within five minutes I logged my chesscube account after many days..My friend was not online there so I decided to play some games against some one else !. Here is the position I got in the game after a few moves. Lets have a look Black to play The time control was 5 minutes each..And White just wasted his move with 13.Kh1?? Just look at the black pieces my all pieces are well played and such waste moves are looking for some big trouble..I agree black's king has not castled yet so I decided to castle first Pinning the knight of d2..So my first question here is what would happen if white takes the bishop by 14.hxg4. Can you find without watching below analysis ? But my opponent didn't play this move.I gues...

Position from the book Positional Attacks

The position is by Life Master Joel Johnson, who just released his new  book " Positional Attacks " In the position below it is  White to move .  Joel writes:    The following game is an excerpt from my new book, "Positional Attacks". The book was released on February 28, 2014.    Fatal Weakness    Just one weak square in your opponent's defensive stronghold can give rise to a terminal attack. The ability to manufacture and/or identify existing weaknesses in your opponent's position is a lethal skill to possess.    The moves are easy to see if your eyes can easily spot the weakness in the Black position.    Here is the complete game [Event "Casual Game"] [Site "London"] [Date "1892.??.??"] [Round "?"] [White "Wordsworth Donisthorpe"] [Black "Mundell"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C46"] [PlyCount "29"] [EventDate "1892.??.??"...

PUZZLE: Deep Blue - Kasparov match

IBM's Deep Blue (White) plays against World Champion Garry Kasparov (Black). This match, and particularly this game, made chess and computer history. For the first time ever, a computer beat the reigning World Champion in a chess game at normal (slow) time controls. Now -- play for White and discover for yourself how Deep Blue beat the Champ.   created by

Black to play

Its my game versus Atharva ,P. I am having Black pieces this time....White has just played Qh5 intending to attack on king side which might be premature....How can black take advantage of this postion ?? Please post all your calculations

White to play

This is from my online game Black has just played Qxg5...Please analyse all the variation and submit your calcuations or check the full game below

Will Bxh6 sac work or not??

This position is Guico Piano. As you can see White has played Qd2 in order to sac his bishop on h6..Black ignored or might have not seen it.. So my question is Is Bh6 sac working for white?? please comment with full analysis and tell me till what have you calculated

Today's Model Game

Premature Attacks