
Showing posts with the label positions

Homework of the day!!

Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes White to play   White to play   White to play   White to play                                          White to play

Puzzle of the day!!

                                           White to play The following position is White to play and its mate in three.No engines please.The red mark denotes here that Black has currently has only move b5 at his disposal.Can you find mate in three here?

Puzzle of the day!!

                                                              White to play Here Black has just developed his bishop to c5 and its now attacking the centrailized knight of d4.What would you play here..Please post full variations

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                                                                                        White to play The position is for intermediate level players...In this positon Black just played Nf8 to stop the mate.So the question for you is Does it work? If not how will white win ?

Calculate all your thinking process- White to play

                                                                      White to play This is the position I was looking during my practice sessions.Its white to move and looks as if it should be winning.Your task is to  find the candidate moves as you do in the game and calculate all the lines possible till the end also try to evaluate the final position.If you know this position before try  to find why other moves are not working..I t could be a good exercise.Please don't tell me you got the correct answer on the first attempt.Its very hard unless you know the position or the correct idea..Try to post how and why your move is the best.All the best !! After making some videos in marathi.I made my first video in english.In this video series I will try to explain some position which I came acros...

White to play and win


Attacking the king for beginners

                                                                                                                                 White to play Its White's move. All White's pieces are placed on their optimum squares for an attack on Black's king, Black has just played the dubious move g5?! Can you punish Black for his mistake..Please post your calulations with variations

Should White Resign ?

                                                            White to Play In this position white seems to be lost as he cannot play Qd5+ as after Kh8 white will loose a piece and on Nxd5 Black will take the pawn on f2 followed by Qg3 which will be winning for him...So the question remains. Is White lost ? Should he resign ? [position for advanced beginners]

PUZZLE: Deep Blue - Kasparov match

IBM's Deep Blue (White) plays against World Champion Garry Kasparov (Black). This match, and particularly this game, made chess and computer history. For the first time ever, a computer beat the reigning World Champion in a chess game at normal (slow) time controls. Now -- play for White and discover for yourself how Deep Blue beat the Champ.   created by

Where should the queen go and why?

The position I want to show is from the recent games of U-9 states held at Aurangabad White to play Here in this position Black has just played his knight to e4 attacking the White's queen..Now the queen is under attack and have to move on a safe square..But the question here is which square..Calculate all the possibilities and comment below

Having a bad day

(Position after Black's Rh6) Its my game against Kahane Bhavesh..I was having white pieces and was exited with the fact that Black's king was still in the center,so my basic enctint was to attack some how on the king.I made some premature moves in order to attack his king before..After thinking I released that Black has a threat of Rg6 hitting my g2 pawn..And it would be helped by the monster of b7                      I played the terrible move Na5??? putting the knight on rim without thinking as I wanted to swap the bishop first. Now its Black to play Black has a long think of 20 minutes and played the move which I didn't calculated..Can you guess what I missed in the game..and calculate all the variations?? My opponent played that move but didn't continue correctly..Can you do better than my opponent ?? 

Black to play.Will he win the pawn?

This position is from my game against Vijay Pangudwale.I am having the Black pieces. The game was a blitz format so there was not much time to think...So you could understand the tension between us..Both players were having time pressure..So the quality of the game was not so high.. Its Black move... My question is Is ...f6 winning the pawn on f4 or not ? Please comment your answers with your full analysis 

Simple Mixed tactics

I am giving these few examples without quoting source and answers.Let's see if you could solve this positions...These positions are not so tough and are at the level below 1800 rating.Please quote answers in comment.