Black to play White has just played a5-a6 advancing the passed pawn further.The position seems bad for Black as he is a piece down and is attacking only with the Queen and the Rook. Can you find a simple trick for Black which is easy to miss especially in time pressure?
Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes White to play White to play White to play Black to play White to play
Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes White to play White to play White to play White to play White to play
Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes Black to play White to play Black to play White to play Black to play
Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides White to play Black to play Black to play White to play White to play
Black to play In this position White last move was Ne4 trying to exchange the defender of f6.What will you reply to white's last move? Can you take advantage of White's last inaccuracy?
White to play Its White to move.Can you find the best continuation for white even after Black's cheeky reply?Calculate all moves and then comment your answer below..No single move answers please
White to move The following position is taken from Maharashtra State Under 17 Girls FIDE Rating tournament which was held last month ..Here in this position Black played Bxh3 capturing the h3 pawn..And this move looks dangerous but indeed was a dubious move..Can you find a way to save White's position? Calculate the lines completely and comment below
White to play Here Black has just developed his bishop to c5 and its now attacking the centrailized knight of d4.What would you play here..Please post full variations
White to play The position is for intermediate level players...In this positon Black just played Nf8 to stop the mate.So the question for you is Does it work? If not how will white win ?
Evaluate 27.Nxf5 gxf5 Puzzle Answer 28.Qg3+ 1-0 Black resigned because of 28...Kh7 29.Rxf5! and mate is imminent. [Source: Carlsen-Radjabov, Tal Memorial Blitz 2012] .