
Showing posts with the label studies

Endgame Calculations for advance players

                                                                                                                                       White to play Can White win in this position ??

J.Polgar 1997 White to move

                                       White to play and win This position was composed by the ex-women world champion Judith Polgar in 1997 and it is recommended to advance level.I was solving some random positions at midnight and this position stuck me...My intuition gave me the first move but unable to calculate the whole variation.Can you calculate all the correct variations and comment below?

Funny Endgame Study by Blake

White to play The position I am showing is from Blake's  Chess Endgame for beginners...White is two pawn up and should be of course winning here, but things are not so easy as Black has a stalemate threat..So here moves like f3 or f4 are forced.Black has no other option than to recapture with the pawn..But do you think that white can win this game ?? Calculate all the variations..And comment your answer till white wins..

Some Endgame positions from my facebook friend

I was just surfing the net today...Suddenly  I herd a message tone on facebook...I opened it and I got few positions from my friend Chinmay Kelaskar of Mumbai who posted me some positions.We had a chat as he requested me to post it on blog..I too found these position interesting..So here they are White is in check so has to move his king..But the real question is where ?..If the king moves to g7 black will play Re7 and will make a draw...If the king goes on the f- file Black will move his rook to e2 and skewers.And the king can't also leave the pawn...So calculate carefully as Black also has some tricks at his disposal Second position is White to play both players are just one square away from promoting.. If white promotes his pawn...Black will also promote his pawn.As white cannot capture the Queen as it is a stalemate..So think carefully and calculate few moves ahead... And the last one is the Gem of all..Now this one is tough one...Position only for advance playe...