Some Endgame positions from my facebook friend

I was just surfing the net today...Suddenly  I herd a message tone on facebook...I opened it and I got few positions from my friend Chinmay Kelaskar of Mumbai who posted me some positions.We had a chat as he requested me to post it on blog..I too found these position interesting..So here they are

White is in check so has to move his king..But the real question is where ?..If the king moves to g7 black will play Re7 and will make a draw...If the king goes on the f- file Black will move his rook to e2 and skewers.And the king can't also leave the pawn...So calculate carefully as Black also has some tricks at his disposal

Second position is White to play both players are just one square away from promoting.. If white promotes his pawn...Black will also promote his pawn.As white cannot capture the Queen as it is a stalemate..So think carefully and calculate few moves ahead...

And the last one is the Gem of all..Now this one is tough one...Position only for advance players!! I agree that this might be one the most toughest positions but its also one of the beautiful position/study I have seen :D
White's King is in Check and white is just one square away from queening..But watch carefully the rook will go mad and will willing sacrifice itself as capturing it might lead to stalemate...So think carefully..I agree I was also not able to solve it at my first attempt..Its a nearly 16/18 move answer..But worth worthy to solve
So Best of luck !! Apologizes I had given first one wrong..And my friend is from Mumbai..But now I have fixed it Please Comment your answers in the comment box of the blog


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