
Showing posts with the label pawn endgame

Puzzle of the day !!

                                       White to play In this seeming interesting position.Black last move g6  was a terrible blunder.Can you suggest a winning plan for White?

Endgame with Koravi Chandrashekhar - Part 2

                                                                                                            White to play This is a study by one of the famous composer Grigoriev and its White's move..Can you find out the winning  continuation ?                                                           

Calculate all your thinking process- White to play

                                                                      White to play This is the position I was looking during my practice sessions.Its white to move and looks as if it should be winning.Your task is to  find the candidate moves as you do in the game and calculate all the lines possible till the end also try to evaluate the final position.If you know this position before try  to find why other moves are not working..I t could be a good exercise.Please don't tell me you got the correct answer on the first attempt.Its very hard unless you know the position or the correct idea..Try to post how and why your move is the best.All the best !! After making some videos in marathi.I made my first video in english.In this video series I will try to explain some position which I came acros...

J.Polgar 1997 White to move

                                       White to play and win This position was composed by the ex-women world champion Judith Polgar in 1997 and it is recommended to advance level.I was solving some random positions at midnight and this position stuck me...My intuition gave me the first move but unable to calculate the whole variation.Can you calculate all the correct variations and comment below?

Pawn Endgame Training

The position is from a tournament game...White offered a draw claming that its a draw.Now its Black's move  He thought that after 1...c4 + 2Ka3 Kc5 3.Ka4 Kxd5 white will play Kb4 and he might be in  zugzwang   and will loose the c4 pawn.  Both players were not willing to take risk and  agreed a draw here...Can you assets the position correctly ??