
Showing posts with the label candidates move

Candidate Moves

This post is about candidates moves and finding plans. This topic is very important because it is needed in every chess game. Here are some tips about finding candidates moves and plans in concrete positions: Step 1.Understand the position (weaknesses in both players positions, strategical aspects...) Step 2.Find plans and candidate moves ( 3 candidate moves are perfect) Step 3. Calculate the lines for every candidate move ( tactics and positional understanding is needed-you have to understand whether the position is tactical or strategical) Here is a example for a strategical position: (its whites move) Step 1. Understand the position: Positional aspects for white: Only pawn break/plan with h5, bad bishop on d3- perspective to get to h3 and e6 after the move g5, space advantage in the center Positional aspects for black: No pawn break/ plan ( b5 is never possible), Bad bishop on g7- no good perspective, space disadvantage, Step 2. Candidate moves/ p...

The Art of Calculation in Chess

                                                                Black to play Here in this position its Black's move.So lets try to understand what's going on in the following position : White has just played 21 Rxd5  Black's Queen is under attack.If Black does not moves his Queen White will happily capture the Queen winning the Queen for nothing. White's rook on c1 is the only unsupported piece on the board which might be vulnerable to some tactics.Always Remember L.P.D.F which stands for Loose Piece Drops Off !! White has pawns on h2,g2,f2 which might make his back rank vulnerable. Black does not have the bishop on g7, which might make his king weak too.White also has a hidden threat of playing the rook on d6 (with idea of Qf6) or d7 (with idea of Rf7) when Black moves his Queen White now has a threat of captu...