Advance Student

                                              White to play and win

 Position in Forsythe(top-to-bottom/left-to-right) -
  r2q1rnk/1p1bb1pp/p2p4/3NP1P1/P2Bp3/3Q3R/1PP1B2P/6RK w  
  White: Kh1, Qd3, Nd5, Bd4, e2, Rg1, h3; Pawns: a4, b2, c2, e5, g5, & h2  Black: Kh8, Qd8, Ng8, Bd7, e7, Ra8, f8; Pawns: a6, b7, d6, e4, g7, & h7.

This is for Advanced players...Please try it without touching pieces or without the help of computers.Check yourself for answer on computer ...This position might be a tough nut to crack..but try to solve it...Minimum time 30 mins to 1 hour...Give it a try if you think you are really serious about chess

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