
Showing posts with the label game analyse

Tactics tactics everywhere !!

I have posted a lot of positions here.So I decided to take some rest, stop posting and concentrate on my game...I tried to solve many position..did some routine work and came to facebook. My friend asked me to come on chesscube..I told him that I will be there within five minutes I logged my chesscube account after many days..My friend was not online there so I decided to play some games against some one else !. Here is the position I got in the game after a few moves. Lets have a look Black to play The time control was 5 minutes each..And White just wasted his move with 13.Kh1?? Just look at the black pieces my all pieces are well played and such waste moves are looking for some big trouble..I agree black's king has not castled yet so I decided to castle first Pinning the knight of d2..So my first question here is what would happen if white takes the bishop by 14.hxg4. Can you find without watching below analysis ? But my opponent didn't play this move.I gues...

White to move move better than Nc7?

Its my game against a metebiyik...The game is still in the opening phase. White has a a lead in development,strong threat of Nc7+...In the game I played Nc7+ which looks perfectly natural. But is there any better move than Nc7+. Calculate all the move and comment below

Black to play.Will he win the pawn?

This position is from my game against Vijay Pangudwale.I am having the Black pieces. The game was a blitz format so there was not much time to think...So you could understand the tension between us..Both players were having time pressure..So the quality of the game was not so high.. Its Black move... My question is Is ...f6 winning the pawn on f4 or not ? Please comment your answers with your full analysis 

How to Analyze a Chess Game - 10 Point Checklist

I already wrote about  analyzing chess games , but would like to return to the subject, as I have recently re-evaluated the thoroughness with which this has to be done. Now I created a 10 point checklist, which repeats some of the previous ideas, but is more appropriate in the context of a single analyzed game: Is the opening well annotated? Will you likely have problems in the same line ever again? Against the same opponent? Do you have an  evaluation graph  of the game – in SCID or elsewhere? If not – do you have an idea of when advantage shifted from one side to another? Is every blunder marked as “?” in your analysis? Have you updated your  opening repertoire  (if you have it stored on a computer) based on this game? Did you learn anything about chess in general from this game? Write it down! Did you learn anything about yourself? Did it reveal your weakness in any area of the game – tactics, strategy, psychological issues (lack of confidence, nervo...

Game Analysis by WGM Natalia_Pogonina

Analyzing your games is one of the main ways of improving in chess. During this procedure you will be able to pinpoint your typical mistakes, as well as weaknesses & strengths. Your games are your business card in the world of chess. Each person has their own approach to game analysis. Nevertheless, there are some common traits. When communicating with other chess players, I often learn new interesting ideas. The article offers some of the methods for you to consider. There are two types of analysis – preliminary and deep. The first type is performed right after the game has been played, before the next round. The second one takes place after the end of the tournament. Preliminary analysis After the game has been played, it is useful to discuss it with the opponent. Nowadays this tradition is becoming less popular for a number of reasons. One of the common arguments is “why should I care what the patzer thinks, if I can go home and have the engine...