Tactics tactics everywhere !!

I have posted a lot of positions here.So I decided to take some rest, stop posting and concentrate on my game...I tried to solve many position..did some routine work and came to facebook. My friend asked me to come on chesscube..I told him that I will be there within five minutes I logged my chesscube account after many days..My friend was not online there so I decided to play some games against some one else !. Here is the position I got in the game after a few moves. Lets have a look

Black to play
The time control was 5 minutes each..And White just wasted his move with 13.Kh1?? Just look at the black pieces my all pieces are well played and such waste moves are looking for some big trouble..I agree black's king has not castled yet so I decided to castle first

Pinning the knight of d2..So my first question here is what would happen if white takes the bishop by 14.hxg4. Can you find without watching below analysis ?

But my opponent didn't play this move.I guess he might have seen the danger.Instead he played another bad move Qb3..This brings me to the main position I want to show

Black to play

Black's pieces are ideally place here..There are no other pieces protecting White's King.The main piece has just moved away from the kingside..So I knew that there might be some tactics in air..I played  Nxh3 ?! My opponent played Nxe5 and captured it with the Queen that is Qxe5

Still the knight cant be captured due to the strong move 16...Rd3 !! sacrificing another piece which cant be taken.If he refuses the sacrifice with 17.f3 still 17...Qg3 wins the game. Simply wow!! After the game with the help of Houdini I found that there were two more better way than Nxh3.I am not a computer or a super GM to find out all these below variations on the board..But the variations shown are simply amazing that might blow you mind


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