Why Not Join Our ChessNut Academy.... 👉 Build Confidence 👉 Chess improves the memory of your child and raises your kids IQ. 👉 It increases kid's problem solving skills. 👉 Also chess exercises both sides of the brain and much more.... Learn from a professional coach.... Contact on Mobile No: 9960640234 Email Id: koravi1@gmail.com
Homework of the week
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White to play 1.White majesty is not safe.Black all pieces are threatning to checkmate White King.Can you find the way to save the game? 2.Black to play White to play In the following game White just played Bb5 creating a double attack on Black's Queen and the Rook.Black replied by counter pinning the bishop with Ba6.So the question remains will Black's Ba6 move save the game for black or White is winning in this positon?
Homework of the day
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Black to play The following position is from Victor Korchnoi-Anatoly Karpov,1981 World Championship matches and its Black to move.White had recently played 42.Qf1 which saves mate of g2 and threatens some cunning tactics.Black who squeezed a winning position from a quiet positons (for which Karpov is world famous for!) is now winning and should be careful not to ruin his winning position.Can you find the winning plan/moves for Karpov?
Online Chess Coaching
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Hello! My name is Chandrashekhar Koravi , a 31 year-old rated player from India. My FIDE rating is 1933 (July 2019). I am a professional coach and player. I am looking for serious students. Chess is a game that requires a lot of study and dedication. If you're serious about improving your chess and are ready to invest in the next stages of your chess journey, either message me here on or send me an email at koravi1@gmail.com, sharing your chess story and why you'll be a great student! If you are willing to put in the necessary hours to improve, I will give you my full attention as a coach and mentor. Thanks! Email : koravi1@ gmail.com Contact : +91-9960640234(only after 7pm) ,8855903011 Skype : chandrashekharkoravi For beginners please contact Jayshree Koravi on 8855903011
5 Things for Playing Better Blitz
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1.Improve your tactics sensor and quick calculation Try to spend a couple of hours a day solving tactics, as many as possible. Do it with a time limit and do not seek for too difficult problems. Instead, focus on hundreds of problems with medium difficulty. The goal is to think more tactical, to calculate quickly mini operations (3-4 moves tops) and commit fewer mistakes. Cheapos and tricks are important in blitz, improve your awareness. 2.Make practical decisions Instead of seeking for the best move settle for a quick decision of fewer committal moves. While in a classic game you can calculate and have a deep evaluation of the position, in blitz you need to make this decision in seconds. Be practical, avoid being captivated by the beauty of the game. Play! 3.Practice Play training games; do it with all the intention of keeping control of what you are doing. Do not just “play fast”, try to play the best you can as fast as you can. Make strong moves in a relatively s...
Related Serious Chess Coaching
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Hello! My name is Chandrashekhar Koravi , a 31 year-old rated player from India. My FIDE rating is 1933 (July 2019). I am a professional coach and player. I am looking for serious students. Chess is a game that requires a lot of study and dedication. If you are willing to put in the necessary hours to improve, I will give you my full attention as a coach and mentor. Thanks! Email : koravi1@gmail.com Contact : +91-9960640234 Skype : chandrashekharkoravi If you are interested, please click this and fill the form
Homework of the day
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Black to play White has just captured on e7. Black has lots of good moves but watch out for white counter chances. Don't give him any! White to play Black has just played Qc6 asking questions like are going to trade queens? White to play Black rook seems to be the strong contender to be trapped.Can you find the correct moves? Black to play White seems to have some back rank problem, Can Black exploit it? Black to play In this position White captured the bishop of d4 with his Knight.Black could simply capture the piece back with Rxd4..So will you go with Rxd4 or you have any other strong continuation ?
Activating Your Pieces - Make the most of each piece by finding its best square
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1.Breakthrough White to play Black's king is dominating White's king and is ready to collect White's isolated pawns. White appears in trouble - it's time for a breakthrough! Black to play White's knight is defending its pawn and guarding against any pawn advances. It's breakthrough time! Black to play White may be up two pawns, but let's bring home the point for Black with a breakthrough! Black to play It's hard to believe that Black can win this position, but there is a powerful pawn sacrifice that forces a breakthrough - can you find the move? 2.Pawns in the Middlegame Black to play White is planning to play Nc4 with a powerful position. How can Black fight back and put the queenside majority into action? White to play White's minority attack is in action! How can White grab space and attack Black's c6 pawn? White to play White has sacrificed a pawn to gain a serious lead in development. B...