White to Play White pieces are co-ordinated properly Black's king seems to be in deep trouble. But can you find the best way to win the game.Please try to calculate till the end with all variations?
Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes White to play White to play White to play Black to play White to play
Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes White to play White to play White to play White to play White to play
Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides..Advance students try to solve these in 2 minutes Black to play White to play Black to play White to play Black to play
Dear Students, Please set these postitions on the board and give complete answer..Try to find best moves from both sides White to play Black to play Black to play White to play White to play
A passer by amauter said white will lose because a2 pawn queens,his friend told white will win,white resigned here,then black smiles and accepts white's resign and tells he was about to resign.Who was right
Enjoyed a lot with all my sweet old school friends..Its was a day which cant be erased from our minds...Each moment was simply hard to descibe in words...simply precious...Happy that it happened finally Posted by Chandrashekhar Koravi on Saturday, 5 December 2015
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a big fan at chess. Here we see him playing a game against former world champion Garry Kasparov. They share a frag ment of one of his speeches: " the chess is a game that requires skill, planning, strategy, determination and courage... It's the secret to teach the children confidence in themselves, show them hope and give them a place for the success we have never met before "
Blindfold chess is real and documented in world records. It is as it sounds: a player makes all of his or her moves without looking at a board. Usually there is a “middle man” of sorts to give and receive moves for the game. The record was set in 1960 in Budapest by Hungarian Janos Flesch, who played 52 opponents simultaneously while blindfolded – he won 31 of those games.
Koravi Chandrashekhar : What should be the perfect study plan in order to become a title player.How much time your should give daily for chess?. GM Igor Smirnov : My initial intension would be to write "If you want to be a professional chess player, you should be ready to allocate as much time as you would spend for any other profession". However, I don't want to scare you too much smile emoticon There are ways to speed up your progress. Check my free mini-course “Chess Training Plan for Rapid Improvement”: http://chess-teacher.com/chess-training-plan-for-rapid-imp…/
Black to play In this position White last move was Ne4 trying to exchange the defender of f6.What will you reply to white's last move? Can you take advantage of White's last inaccuracy?
White to play Its White to move.Can you find the best continuation for white even after Black's cheeky reply?Calculate all moves and then comment your answer below..No single move answers please
White to move The following position is taken from Maharashtra State Under 17 Girls FIDE Rating tournament which was held last month ..Here in this position Black played Bxh3 capturing the h3 pawn..And this move looks dangerous but indeed was a dubious move..Can you find a way to save White's position? Calculate the lines completely and comment below
White to play The following position is White to play and its mate in three.No engines please.The red mark denotes here that Black has currently has only move b5 at his disposal.Can you find mate in three here?