
Puzzle of the day !!

How should White respond to  20...Qc7 ?

How to prepare - for serious Chess Improvement

In your effort to improve in chess, how much time do you spend study? 3 hours? Four? Or perhaps chess improvement training has turned to a 'full time job' for you and you are now spending 8 hours a day? Whatever your answer, let me ask you: How much time do you devote to ACTUALLY play chess and apply what you have learned from your chess training? How many slow games do you play in a month or in a year to improve in chess? Unfortunately, for many amateur, the answer is: "Well, I haven't considered that at all. I'll play when the opportunity presents itself." Or they would say: "Why play slow games when the are internet chess playing sites where I can play blitz?" "Today's players, especially internet denizens, think that 30 minutes is a really long game!" said National Chess Master Dan Heisman. Well, guess what: 30 minutes a game is a quick speed for a chess game...NOT slow enough for you to apply what you have learned and play "R...

Puzzle of the day!!

                                                              White to play Here Black has just developed his bishop to c5 and its now attacking the centrailized knight of d4.What would you play here..Please post full variations

Puzzle of the day!!

How should White follow up on  29.Bc2 Kg8 ?

How to send me your homework in marathi


Homework of the week !!

White to Play                                                                   White to Play                                       White to Play                                         White to Play                                        For Answers Check  Video Homework of the week

Puzzle of the day!!

                                                                            White to play White has a huge material disadvantage here..but the good thing for White is that his king and minor pieces are very active and all Black pieces are on a bad squares, the king and the queen have very few squares to go.Can white capitalize on it? If yes how ?

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Candidate Moves

This post is about candidates moves and finding plans. This topic is very important because it is needed in every chess game. Here are some tips about finding candidates moves and plans in concrete positions: Step 1.Understand the position (weaknesses in both players positions, strategical aspects...) Step 2.Find plans and candidate moves ( 3 candidate moves are perfect) Step 3. Calculate the lines for every candidate move ( tactics and positional understanding is needed-you have to understand whether the position is tactical or strategical) Here is a example for a strategical position: (its whites move) Step 1. Understand the position: Positional aspects for white: Only pawn break/plan with h5, bad bishop on d3- perspective to get to h3 and e6 after the move g5, space advantage in the center Positional aspects for black: No pawn break/ plan ( b5 is never possible), Bad bishop on g7- no good perspective, space disadvantage, Step 2. Candidate moves/ p...

Game of the day !!

Quote of the day !!


Quote of the day !!

One book on the table induces work, but 20 create confusion.

Mate with two rooks in marathi

Elementary mates Mate with two rooks by Koravi Chandrashekhar  - 

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                                                                                        White to play The position is for intermediate level players...In this positon Black just played Nf8 to stop the mate.So the question for you is Does it work? If not how will white win ?

Endgames with Koravi Chandrashekhar-Part 3-Video

Welcome to Endgames with Koravi Chandrashekhar this is part 3.In this video we will see a brilliant study by Dobias of 1926.This is White to play...Hope you like this video...Waiting for your views and comments on this video.Please Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more videos- link -

Endgames with Koravi Chandrashekhar Part 3

White to move The position in front of you is a study of 1926 by Dobias and is White's move . Can white win in this position? 

Endgames with Koravi Chandrashekhar-Part 2-Video

Endgames with Koravi Chandrashekhar-Part 2.I am back with my endgames positions.I hope you like this video.Please dont forget to share and comment !!

Endgame with Koravi Chandrashekhar - Part 2

                                                                                                            White to play This is a study by one of the famous composer Grigoriev and its White's move..Can you find out the winning  continuation ?                                                           

Calculate all your thinking process- White to play

                                                                      White to play This is the position I was looking during my practice sessions.Its white to move and looks as if it should be winning.Your task is to  find the candidate moves as you do in the game and calculate all the lines possible till the end also try to evaluate the final position.If you know this position before try  to find why other moves are not working..I t could be a good exercise.Please don't tell me you got the correct answer on the first attempt.Its very hard unless you know the position or the correct idea..Try to post how and why your move is the best.All the best !! After making some videos in marathi.I made my first video in english.In this video series I will try to explain some position which I came acros...

Typical Endgames Part 2. by Koravi Chandrashekhar in marathi
