
Showing posts from December, 2014

Mate with two rooks in marathi

Elementary mates Mate with two rooks by Koravi Chandrashekhar  - 

Puzzle of the day !!

                                                                                                                        White to play The position is for intermediate level players...In this positon Black just played Nf8 to stop the mate.So the question for you is Does it work? If not how will white win ?

Endgames with Koravi Chandrashekhar-Part 3-Video

Welcome to Endgames with Koravi Chandrashekhar this is part 3.In this video we will see a brilliant study by Dobias of 1926.This is White to play...Hope you like this video...Waiting for your views and comments on this video.Please Don't forget to subscribe our channel for more videos- link -

Endgames with Koravi Chandrashekhar Part 3

White to move The position in front of you is a study of 1926 by Dobias and is White's move . Can white win in this position?