
Puzzle of the day !!

How should White respond to  28...f5 ?

Tip of the day !!


Puzzle of the day !!

                                                      Evaluate  27.Nxf5 gxf5 Puzzle Answer 28.Qg3+ 1-0   Black resigned because of 28...Kh7 29.Rxf5! and mate is imminent. [Source: Carlsen-Radjabov, Tal Memorial Blitz 2012] .

Puzzle of the day !!

                                        How should White respond to  36...Rxf4 ?

Tips for Improvers !!

I have been playing chess for more than six decades now and know the most common mistakes by a player and how to overcome them. Here they are. Don’t play too fast unless you are playing a blitz game. Use your time wisely and don’t be impatient. Develop your pieces early and avoid moving them multiple times. Don’t neglect to castle. Don’t give up in controlling the center and never underestimate its importance. Avoid premature attacks and don’t expect that you can win the game in the opening. Do not rely on inferior moves by your opponent. Avoid making idle threats and useless checks. Develop your position first before grabbing the pawns offered. This is usually a trap. Don’t attack with only one piece. Make sure that your other pieces can join as early as possible. Do not exchange pawns and pieces unless the position calls for it. Do not create weaknesses in your position (knight forks, weak pawns, exposed king and holes in your structure). Do not lose material carelessly and ...

Black to play and win

                                                                  Black to play

Improve your Chess

Improve your Chess Many chess fans have gone years without making any significant improvement, even after studying many chess books, courses or hiring personal chess teachers. Many players get stuck below or around the 2100 rating and, little by little, their initial joy for the game diminishes. IMPORTANT: You cannot improve at chess by any means. No-one improved at chess by just watching 2-hour videos or by buying courses or books like "ultimate...", "how to beat...", "secrets...", "grandmaster over-night", "quick..." and so on. NO, chess improvement means high-quality chess lessons, professional written courses, individual work, positional training ...and a bit of talent. Improve at chess - 10 "secret" obstacles If you are serious about your chess improvement, you should know the  top 10 reasons for stagnation : 1) Too much play Playing chess - practice - is very important for improvement. When you play chess (ov...

How should Black respond to 21.Nxg6?

How should Black respond to  21.Nxg6 ?

Never give up !!


White to play and win


What move by White caused Black’s immediate resignation?

                          [FEN "3rr3/pp2n2R/2pp1kp1/5pq1/2P2N2/1P1RPQ2/P2P1P2/5K2 w - - 0 25"] What move by White caused Black's immediate resignation?

How did Tal play this position as white?

How did Tal play this position as white? Puzzle Answer 24.Nf6 gxf6 25.Qh4 Bg7 26.Bh6 Bxd1 27.Bxg7+ Kg8 28.Bh8 Kxf7 29.Qxf6+ Kg8 30.Qg7# 1-0 [Source: Tal-Rantanen, Tallinn 1979]

Basic mate for beginners in marathi


Tip of the day


New FIDE anti-cheating rules

Changes of the article 11.3.b.of the Laws of Chess During a game, a player is forbidden to have a mobile phone, electronic means of communication or any device capable of suggesting chess moves on their person in the playing venue. However, the rules of the competition may allow such devices to be stored in a player’s bag, as long as the device is completely switched off. A player is forbidden to carry a bag holding such a device, without permission of the arbiter. If it is evident that a player has such a device on their person in the playing venue, the player shall lose the game. The opponent shall win. The rules of a competition may specify a different, less severe, penalty. The arbiter may require the player to allow his/her clothes, bags or other items to be inspected, in private. The arbiter or a person authorized by the arbiter shall inspect the player and shall be of the same gender as the player. If a player refuses to cooperate with these obligations, the arbiter sh...

Tip of the day !!

“Every missed opportunity to play better - even in a drawn game, or a difficult game to win - is your loss. That is why it is necessary for you to return again and again to study your oversights, regardless of how the game turned out.” - Garry Kasparov

Tip of the day !!


The Art of Simplification for beginners

How To Study Chess?

How To Study Chess? And become an even better chess player... Discover how to study chess in an organized way... As I see it, there are two ways in which you can "study" chess. 1. You can study passively. Like looking at a football match to see where the players succeed and fail. This includes reading chess-books, go over chess-games, watch live chess games on the internet etc. This way you hope to store information in your brain. This information is written or produced by someone else. Someone else made mistakes and you try to learn from them. While you may profit from this kind of study, it's not the same as your own experience. It wasn't painfull making the mistakes (because  you  didn't make them), so the knowledge might not stick... It's a little like trying to learn riding a bike by looking at someone who already succeeded. When you've looked long enough you try it yourself, only to find yourself falling down again and again. You've se...

Top 5 Qualities every Chess star has... Do you?

Top 5 Qualities every Chess star has... Do you? Hello chess blog friends, here are 5 chess qualities every Grandmaster has. Do you think you could develop these qualities as well? You can, if you train properly, love chess and are committed to improving your game. 1 - Determination:  Losing hurts plenty, but you can make a long list of Grandmasters who bounce back. They lose and then get back to winning everything. The most obvious name from contemporary GMs is of course former World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand he totally dominated the Candidates when everyone wrote him off after his loss to Magnus Carlsen at the World Chess Championship 2014 in Chennai. Stay determined and never give up in the face of failure in chess... and life. 2 - Hard work:  Loads and loads of it. There's not a single Grandmaster on the planet who has not worked hard - with a trainer, or without. Grandmasters work just as hard as any other sportsperson to hone their talent and skill. ...