OUR TEAM ChessNut Academy Girls Under 14 STOOD 3rd IN Worldwide Girls WU14 Eastern Team Battle

 Our team ChessNut Academy Girls Under 14 played for the first time and stood 3rd  in Worldwide Girls WU14 Eastern Team Battle. Thank you everyone for playing and giving your best. Special thanks to the leaders of ChessNut Academy in the tournament 


laksh46 (Lakshita Rathod , Nagpur, Maharashtra)- 8 Points

  2.Areen2010(Areen Kulkarni,Kolhapur,Maharashtra)- 8 Points


                         BharsitaSahariah (Bharsita Sahariah,Mangaldal,Assam)- 3 Points

                                                                                                                                                                          and we also got coverage at https://velivrh.com/2020/09/12/germany-win-u14w/  





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