Tip of the day !!

From Lasker's Manual of Chess:

"Let us assume that a master who follows a good method, say, the method of this book, strives to educate a young man ignorant of Chess to the level of one who, if conceded any odds, would surely come out the winner. How much time would the teacher need for this achievement? I think that I am correct in making the following calculation:
200 hours total:
Rules of Play and Exercises: 5 hrs. Elementary Endings: 5 hrs. Some Openings: 10 hrs. Combination: 20 hrs. Position Play: 40 hrs. Play and Analysis: 120 hrs.
"Even if the young man has no talent at all, by following the above course he would advance to the class specified. Compare with this possibility, the reality. In fact, there are a quarter of a million Chess amateurs who devote to Chess at least two hundred hours every year and of these only a thousand, after a lifetime of study, attain the end. Without losing myself in calculations, I believe I am safe in voicing the opinion that our efforts in Chess attain only a hundredth of one per cent. of their rightful result...."


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