Chat of Abhishek Marathe with the great IM Attila Turzo

One of my facebook friends asked me about chess improvement.
He gave me his permission to show it in this article.
I think it can be useful also for other players, so I publish it fully here:
Abhishek Marathe
hi sir happy new year...
Attila Turzo
Thank you  I wish you a blessed year!
Abhishek Marathe
yes ,.,.sir have u came to India????for tournaments??
Attila Turzo
I was there once in 1998, I played in the World Junior Championship
Abhishek Marathe
ooo,that time i was born....
sir whats ur rating???
Attila Turzo
Abhishek Marathe
Attila Turzo
Do you play in tourneys?
Abhishek Marathe
yes ,,.,.,but local and district locally chess is not in scored 6.5 /7 in district and state tournaments....
Attila Turzo
Abhishek Marathe
thankyou ,.,.but sir i have a problem.....
Attila Turzo
I wish you many nice games and a great year chess wise!
what is your problem?
Abhishek Marathe
thank you...can u suggest some thing to increase stamina in chess....and also the clock
Attila Turzo
Do push ups at least 100 every day
Study 30 minutes tactical puzzles every day
Abhishek Marathe
is it applicable in playing 7 rounds?>
Attila Turzo
Start to run
at lest 2 times weekly 30 minutes
Abhishek Marathe
and i also got confused in tapping chess clock and concentrating game
Attila Turzo
practice in games
in the club the clock
Abhishek Marathe
but i just cant concentrate...
Attila Turzo
try it
and it will come
do it many times
and it will be easy
Abhishek Marathe
ok. sir i will concentrated to clocks because once i have scored about 5.5 in 6th round and i was at the first place from the round one...but last round was with clock....i lose
Attila Turzo
I see, sorry about that
try to get a clock and practice with it
Next time it will go well with the clock
Abhishek Marathe
yes i am planing to..i am very lucky to have a chess master to chat......
i will try ,,,,can u suggest a opening....i am using the birds..
Attila Turzo
I suggest 1.e4 or 1.d4
get a repertoire book
and replay 2-3 times everything
and replay your games and compare to the book
Abhishek Marathe
i have heard there is some names ,,,on the book
Attila Turzo
look the books and you will feel which you like and get that
Abhishek Marathe
Is birds opening good I liked
Attila Turzo
It is good for short term, but long term better to play 1.e4 and 1.d4 openings because more master play those openings and you can follow their games and you can read more good books on those openings
Abhishek Marathe
OK I will try
Attila Turzo
Every player who became a master played 1.e4 or 1.d4 or 1.c4 Copy what the good players do and you will be a good player.
Ok, great
Abhishek Marathe
Which opening u use
Attila Turzo
I use many openings
Abhishek Marathe
Attila Turzo
Sicilian defense
If I write an article, can I use our conversation in it?
so the questions you asked can help other players also
Abhishek Marathe
Yes of course pleasure
Attila Turzo
Thank you
Thank you for the chat
I wish you the best for your chess and other parts of your life in 2013!
Abhishek Marathe
Thank you is my pleasure
Bye bye..keep smiling

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