
Showing posts from April, 2014

Playing chess can help kids' thinking process

Playing chess can help kids' thinking process People of all ages enjoy playing chess, but does it make you smarter? Some may wonder about this, and we are here to say "yes, it does!" We think kids do think more strategically after a chess game. A mathematical practices teacher commented about chess for us. "Every move is a new problem, a problem that you need to solve," said Ms. Kathy Neumann, ou r teacher. Kidsday reporter Aditya is a kid in our class who is really good at playing chess. He even goes to a chess club. He says, "I think that chess is a good game for people of all ages because it helps kids think better and improve their skills. When I play chess, I use all of the principles that my [chess] master taught me to use. I have improved in my thinking, and I have won against many people." Ms. Neumann talked to us about the importance of chess. She said, "Many schools all over the country have chess teams because they know that chess h...

Finally defeated WGM

I finally managed to defeat WGM to whom I lost many games and was unable to win...Special thanks to my slow net and her wonderful skills

Preparing for a Game by WGM Natalia Pogonina

Preparing for a Game WGM   Natalia_Pogonina   Share on favorites Share on twitter More Sharing Services 6 Here and there we hear all types of things about “home prep”, but how do grandmasters prepare for their games in real life? The pre-game stage is often as important as the game itself. So, what is the most efficient way of preparing for your next chess match? Let’s say you have looked up the pairings for the next day and found out who your opponent is. Different people have different approaches to the preparation stage. Let’s review the main ones.   1. Preparing in the evening After returning from the game, you continue the chess work by preparing for the next game. The next morning you will only refresh and memorize the variations you have chosen in advance. Pros: your head won’t get too tired before the game. Cons: preparation requires a lot of energy. In the evening you are likely to be tired and miss something. Moreover, it will pre...

Defeated the same I.M again on Internet

Tournament preparation

Are you not ready for tournaments and always lose badly? Here, this tips from  can help. Tournament Preparation for Amateurs Recently on several chess discussion forums, players have asked how to prepare for tournaments. As a result of this, I have provided some common sense tips for players which I think most amateurs can apply to their own preparation. First, I want to mention that preparing for tournaments is a little different than playing a casual game with a friend or blitz games on the internet. There are more players involved and the stakes are usually higher. Therefore, players may get a little more nervous than usual when playing. Therefore, some of my recommendations revolve around this aspect. In any case, here are my recommendations. Before the Tournament 1.  Tactics : I believe that this is perhaps the best thing that a beginning or intermediate player can practice before a tournament (or...

Defeated an I.M after a long time on Internet

Its was a blitz 3+1 game..I won on time but i think I am still winning after missing some good moves


THE OPENING 1.) Use a Stylistic Bias Sheet to determine which openings will suit you best as you form your repertoire. 2.) Have a definite opening repertoire. 3.) Stick with it - don't "hop around". 4.) Otherwise, you will not understand the typical middlegame pawn-structures that arise from standard openings. 5.) Study the opening repertoire that you do have very thoroughly. 6.) In casual, postal, e-mail, I.C.C., computer and blitz play, it is fine to look at other openings in order to avoid getting stale and "in a rut", but for your serious games it is essential to specialize, specialize, SPECIALIZE! 7.) Remember: if you have 100 hours to spend in study, it is far better to spend 25 hours each on 4 different lines than 4 hours each on 25 different lines. 8.) Specialization also facilitates analogous thinking which helps you to orient yourself in unfamiliar opening / early middlegame situations. 9.) There are vastly more books written on chess ...

Endgame Calculations for advance players

                                                                                                                                       White to play Can White win in this position ??

Game of the Week !!

The game I want to present was played at Moscow Open Tournament in 2008 . Both players are not the best players of the world but still I found the game  quite instructive.Please study the game carefully and try to calculate at crucial moments.                                                                         Black to play White has just played Ne3.Its Black's move.Calculate carefully and check your calculation with analysis below. But Sadly Black played differently.  Black to play  What's wrong with this move?  How will you take advantage of the white's last inaccurate move ? Black is a piece up..And now should not give counterplay to White.Its just a matter of technique..Watch the technique of Black.           ...